Zhengzhou YiFan Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Address: The middle of zhengyuan road, xingyang eastern development zone, zhengzhou, PRC
Tel: +86-371-64966831
Fax: +86-371-64628872
E-mail: yifanec@yfmac.com
Yahoo: yifancrusher@yahoo.cn
E-commerce internationalization help Yifan Machinery
Mining machinery is China's traditional industries,Zhengzhou Yifan Machinery Co., Ltd. in this area is definitely a very mature plant.Yifan Machinery since 2004 began using the Internet since the development of enterprise economy,after a decade of innovative efforts to make Yifan Machinery brand based on the industry-leading level,and began it's international brand.
Yifan machinery jaw crusher,impact crusher,mobile crusher and various ancillary equipment exported abroad.China's Internet has experienced two decades of development,the achievements of the huge market demand rise of e-commerce and other emerging economies.Zhengzhou Yifan Machinery economic development of enterprises using the Internet,to develop a national brand,Yifan Machinery efforts to promote quality brand and excellent team,build big factories charm and strength.Mining Machinery is a traditional industry, after diligent efforts of earthy Yifan,the pace of development comparable with the developed countries,so you can go hand in hand Yifan machinery and mechanical equipment manufacturing industry in developed countries.With Yifan Machinery Marketing fiery e-commerce,a large mining machinery access to the Internet to start OCS areas,especially some of the considerable potential of small and medium crushing machinery,started using a new tool for the future of the enterprise to develop a new market.
For just involves e-commerce crusher industry,we should learn from the experience of developed countries OCS traditional industries, combined with the actual situation of the industry, innovation,development crushing and screening industry online - offline emerging e-commerce model.Yifan Machinery With this model to deal with global competition,after a wise move.
Yifan Machinery actively explore,with its own characteristics changing the operating mode,with the vast network of resources for product market integration and innovation,the development of online foreign trade can be very good to enhance international competitiveness.