Zhengzhou YiFan Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Address: The middle of zhengyuan road, xingyang eastern development zone, zhengzhou, PRC
Tel: +86-371-64966831
Fax: +86-371-64628872
E-mail: yifanec@yfmac.com
Yahoo: yifancrusher@yahoo.cn
Jaw crusher for processing materials required granularity
Jaw crusher is a simple mechanism simple crushing device . Role in large-scale pieces, fine job , jaw crusher bearing equipment belonging to the cyclical dependence on drive fragmentation is reflected in the final material . Require high drive bearing crushing action of the jaws on the need for greater torque effect, so the power consumption will be significantly improved . In no high requirements on the quality of the broken when the low current operation can be selected to reduce the wear of the jaw case to some extent .
Jaw crusher liner at work often subject to wear materials , the width of the discharge opening will gradually become larger , but in order to ensure the product size , it must not be in time for the nesting population adjustment. Discharge port , there are three forms of regulation , including the regulation plate , the auxiliary adjusting wedges , electric adjustment. After adjusting plate means to increase regulation of the bearing plate thrust plate , with the increase in the thickness of the plate , the latter with the forward thrust plate will achieve the discharge port of the regulator , suitable for large jaw crusher and a number of medium-sized jaw crusher . Oblique iron cofactor , is the use of a bolt or worm chains and other gear , lift control wedges , and then control the discharge opening width. Electronic control is an efficient method of controlling child under electronic control mode, jaw crusher has become very sensitive to the granularity of control will be more precise progression , the effect is very obvious , reducing the screening operations more efficient.